Riding High with A.I. : How artificial intelligence is changing social media

Almost every aspect of our lives now involves artificial intelligence in one form or another; from waking up, planning our day, driving to work, and making our schedule, to voice-controlling our lights, making phone calls, receiving shopping recommendations and getting suggestions on what movies to watch. 

Naturally, social media won’t be left behind. 

Working in the Background

The best kinds of AI technology are the ones that seamlessly integrate into our daily routine and make particular tasks easier and more convenient.

Recent examples of these are navigation apps like Waze and Google Maps, and digital assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Gemini. These innovations just wormed their way into our lives, and now that we’re using these apps so much, we wonder how we had survived without them. 

Artificial in the Social

Social media is another aspect of our day-to-day activities that’s been enhanced by artificial intelligence.  

You may have noticed that your Facebook feed now gives you more of what you click on. Tap on a news article about Apple and you’re bound to see suggested articles about iPhones and MacBooks the day after. Browse through a photo set of Sabrina Carpenter and you’ll be inundated with images of the young singer the next time you browse.

More explicitly, FB proudly lets us know that they use Meta AI in summarizing the comments section of a post, so we wouldn’t have to read through all the rants and repetitive quips. 

Instagram goes the extra mile by giving you AI-powered notifications of new posts by users you’ve chatted with, or whose images you’ve liked. It’s useful but it can also be annoying, especially if you’re trying to go on a social media fast.

While these advancements may seem impressive, the most exciting implementations of AI had their start on TikTok. Their developers constantly amaze us with new, fun, and novel video filters that exceed our imagination; and their innovative text-to-speech function has set a new standard that other tech companies are now trying to live up to. 

The Shape of Things to Come

AI seems to be on a big roll right now, but remarkably, it’s just getting started. 

Social media is just one aspect of our lives that artificial intelligence is radically changing. AI has given us the new and wonderful world of image generation with the likes of Dall-E and Stable Diffusion; while Character AI and Replika have pioneered a new entertainment application with AI roleplaying. 

A couple of decades ago, Kodak didn’t embrace digital technology right away when it was used in photography, the same way Nokia initially turned its back on the smartphone revolution and chose to persist in their old ways. Failing to adapt to the new world order cost these two giants their erstwhile market leadership, all because they failed to see where the future was heading.  

Though most companies have now come to realize that artificial intelligence is the next big thing, and have made the necessary adjustments to adopt and take advantage of the new technology, there are still holdovers who haven’t acknowledged the potential of AI and refuse to invest in the technology, in the interest of short-term penny-pinching. 

Don’t be one of them. Embracing new technology and using it to improve operations is a must, if you want to keep up with your competitors.