My Favorite Blogs

I love being a blog writer, and two of the most influential blogs that played a major role in my decision to start my own are Engadget and Seth Godin's blog. 

Seth Godin is an author, marketing specialist, and motivational speaker. He writes sharp, insightful, reflective, and inspiring articles about life, marketing, and everything in between. His entries are usually short bursts of wisdom, but he would occasionally churn out long reads that delve deep into a particular subject matter. 

I sometimes write, thinking about how my article would look like, had he written it, and would revise it accordingly. I don't believe I look up to anybody in the blogging world as much as I do with him. 

You can read his blog here

Engadget is the more popular one of my two major influences. It centers on the latest news in technology, with insights and predictions that are usually intriguing and stimulating. The site has grown exponentially in recent years, and now has a small army of writers tackling everything from AI to virtual reality. 

It may just be nostalgia, but I long for the days when Engadget was smaller and simpler. It's so easy to become overwhelmed nowadays with the sheer number of content presented, and we're just talking about the homepage. 

Nonetheless, it's still worth your time to get immersed in it. You can check it out here