And Yet We Keep On Living

We are all so tired but still we get up every day.
We are all so hopeless but still we find a way.
We are all so sad but still we flash our smiles.
We are all so worn but still we walk the miles.
We have nothing left to give and yet we keep on giving
We work ourselves to death and yet we keep on living.

We give our all but still it’s not enough
We do our best but still it gets so tough
We cover ourselves but still it gets so cold
We try to look young but still we look so old
We ache so much and yet we keep on moving.
We feel so dead and yet we keep on living.

Time flies fast but still we give it chase
The contest is rigged but still we run the race
Our enemies are cheaters but still we play it fair
Our planet is poisoned but still we breathe the air
Love breaks our hearts and yet we keep on loving.
Life gets so hard and yet we keep on living.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels